The Museum of Wuxi County relies on Wuxi's beautiful natural landscape, long-standing Wuxi salt and Wuzhu cultural resources, takes historical books and cultural relics as the core, based on detailed textual research and activation of non-heritage as the control, and inlays typical cultural relics empirical evidence, compiling a five-thousand-year-long history of Wuxi. 巫溪县博物馆依托巫溪秀丽多姿的自然景观、传承久远的巫盐与巫祝文化资源,以历史典籍与文物遗迹为核心、以详实考证与活化非遗为把持,镶嵌典型文物实证,谱就一曲绵延五千年的巫溪史话。