Honored The Selection of Shaanxi Province Museum Exhibition in Best Form of Design (2018-2020)
Tongchuan Museum is a comprehensive museum that displays the history and culture of Tongchuan, along with the history of urban development by combining a general history exhibition and a special exhibition. The permanent exhibition “Where The river Qi and Ju flow, lies the famous city Sanfu” is the chronological history of Tongchuan, covering the natural resources, ancient history, revolutionary history, and urban development history of Tongchuan. The special exhibition is the “Yushan Jinrong” exhibition, which exhibits the sculpture art of Tongchuan through the ages.
铜川博物馆是一座全面展示铜川历史文化和城市发展史的综合性博物馆,采用通史加专题的展览方式进行展示。基本陈列为铜川通史展“漆沮既从 三辅名都”,涵盖了铜川自然资源、古代史、革命史及城市发展史,专题陈列“玉山金容”则展示铜川历代造像艺术。