Bashu Han Dynasty Sculpture Art Gallery consists of around 160 groups of sculptures in the Bashu area in Han Dynasty stone towers, stone reliefs, pictorial carved sarcophaguses, pictorial carved bricks, pottery figures, etc. The exhibition follows the hidden line of “Iconic stone carvings in front of the tomb—Tomb architecture and decoration—Funerary utensil and funerary objects.” The exhibition layouts two narrative spaces, “above ground” and “underground,” and forms three thematic structures, including regulation of tombs, secular life, and spiritual beliefs, by enhancing the content and grouping the objects. 巴蜀汉代雕塑艺术展陈列有石阙、画像石、画像石棺、画像砖、陶俑等巴蜀地区汉代雕塑类文物近160件(套),遵循“墓前标志性石刻石雕→墓室建筑及装饰→葬具及随葬品”的隐线展览结构,通过内容强化、文物组团,布局“地上”“地下”两层叙事空间,形成“墓葬规制”“世俗生活”“精神信仰”三大主题架构。