ONE BOOK DESIGN(Chongqing Onebook Interior DesignCo., Ltd.) focuses on the planning and design of museum display, and it is one of the few professional design companies for museum display in China. The work covers many professional fields in museum exhibition, such as display planning, content design, exhibition design, space design, art design, graphic design, and digital design. The company is committed to rigorous academic research and perfect creative design, taking design as a lifelong career and life pursuit, taking "life design" as the future vision, and realizing the common growth of the team and employees.
ONE BOOK DESIGN has been involved in numerous national and local key museum projects such as the design of the Shaanxi History Museum(The permanent exhibition "Ancient Civilization In Shaanxi" and the special exhibition “China Potteries,” won The Chinese Top-Ten Excellent Museum Exhibit Awards), Xi’an Beilin Museum(The New Pavilion), Liangdaicun Site Museum, Hanyangling Museum, Huangdi Mausoleum·Chinese Primogenitor Exhibition Center, Zhejiang Museum of Natural History (Special exhibition “Life and Surpassing--The Image Display of Animals in the Central Plains Culture”, won The Chinese Top-Ten Excellent Museum Exhibit Awards), China Museum of Southern Water Town Culture. Its services include museums of all kinds like comprehensive, historical, art, natural, and thematic museums.
ONE BOOK DESIGN is based on the Chinese traditional culture, paying equal attention to spirits and reality and combining ideal with practice. Though we have only a little strength, we have a heart for bearing more! Relying on the right environment and in the spirit of national culture, it is willing to make contributions to the cultural revival trend of building up national culture confidence.

OBD DESIGN 一册博展设计(重庆一册装饰设计有限公司)专注于博物馆陈列的策划与设计,是全国为数不多的博物馆陈列专业设计公司。工作涵盖陈列策划、内容设计、展品设计、空间设计、艺术设计、平面设计、数字设计等多个专业领域。公司致力于严谨的学术研究和完美的设计创意,以设计为毕生事业和人生追求,以“设计人生”为未来愿景,实现团队与员工的共同成长。
一册博展设计先后参与了包括陕西历史博物馆(“陕西古代文明”基本陈列和“彩陶中华”专题展览,荣获全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品奖)、西安碑林博物馆新馆、陕西省韩城市梁带村芮国遗址博物馆、汉景帝阳陵博物院、黄帝陵中华始祖堂、浙江自然博物院(“生命•超越——中原文化中的动物映像”专题展览,荣获全国博物馆十大陈列展览精 品奖)、中国水乡文化博物馆等重大项目在内的众多国家级、地方级博物馆的设计工作。服务项目涵盖了综合博物馆、历史博物馆、艺术博物馆、自然博物馆、专题博物馆等诸多类别。




    • Senior Interior Architect 高级室内建筑师
    • Design Director of One Book Decoration Design Co., Ltd. 一册装饰设计有限公司设计总监
    • Creative Designer of Chongqing Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo 上海世博会重庆馆主创设计师
    • 2014 Unexpectedly cup CIDA China Interior Design Award 2014居然杯CIDA中国室内设计大奖 -文化空间提名奖
    • 2014 Interior Design of National Art Exhibition-Silver Award 2014全国美展室内设计-银奖
    • 2014 China International Architectural Decoration Design Week-Gold award 2014中国国际建筑装饰设计周-金奖
    • 2014 China International Green Building Decoration Design Elite Competition-Annual impact Designer 2014中国国际绿色建筑装饰设计精英赛-年度影响设计人物
    • 2014 The Ninth Museum Exhibition Excellent Prize in Zhejiang Province-"Wealth Culture" Exhibition in China Finance and Taxation Museum 2014浙江省第九届博物馆陈列展览精品奖-中国财税博物馆“财富文化”陈列
    • 2015 Top Ten Excellent Exhibitions of Chinese Museums-Hangzhou Museum "Hangzhou is the most memorable" theme display 2015全国博物馆十大陈列优胜奖-杭州博物馆“最忆是杭州”主题陈列
    • 2016 Top Ten Excellent Exhibitions of Chinese Museums-Zhejiang Museum of Natural History "Transcendence of Life" Cross-border Exhibition 2016全国博物馆十大陈列精品奖-浙江自然博物馆“生命·超越”跨界展
    • 2018 Top Ten Excellent Exhibitions of Chinese Museums-Shaanxi History Museum Exhibition of “Ancient Civilization of Shaanxi Province 2018全国博物馆十大陈列精品奖-陕西历史博物馆“陕西古代文明”陈列
    • 2019 Project of Collection and Promotion for Topic Exhibitions on Core Values
      -Shaanxi History Museum Exhibition of “Ancient Civilization of Shaanxi Province
      -Hanyangling Museum “The Great Rein of Emperor Jingdi: The Basic Exhibition of the Archaeological Gallery”

      -陕西历史博物馆 “陕西古代文明”陈列
      -汉景帝阳陵博物馆 “巍乎盛景——汉阳陵考古陈列馆基本陈列”

    • 2019 Convergence of Art——An Exhibition on the Artistic Achievements of Exhibitions in Chinese Museums-Shaanxi History Museum Exhibition of “Ancient Civilization of Shaanxi Province 2019博苑掇英——全国博物馆陈列艺术成果交流展-陕西历史博物馆 “陕西古代文明”陈列
    • 2019 The 13th National Artworks Exhibition-The artwork “Chang'an in its Heyday” in the Shaanxi History Museum is selected into the Mural Exhibition Area in the 13th National Artworks Exhibition 2019第十三届全国美术作品展览-陕西历史博物馆 艺术创作《盛世长安》入选壁画展区
    • 2019 The 13th National Artworks Exhibition -“The Splendid Ancient Capital of Qin Dynasty——Exhibition on the History and Culture of Xianyang” in the New Hall of Xianyang Museum is selected into the Artistic Design Exhibition Area. 2019第十三届全国美术作品展览-咸阳博物院新馆“千古帝都秦风浩荡——秦都咸阳历史文化陈列”入选艺术设计展区