We need
People who are awed by traditional culture
People willing to do their best for museum design and full of passion for artistic design.
People who want to explore the unlimited possibilities of museums together
愿意为博物馆设计竭尽全力的人 对艺术设计饱含激情
Our work is not simple and easy. It bears social responsibility. The characteristics of work require employees to devote considerable energy and time. However, when the project changes from drawings to reality and is appreciated and loved by the audience, the happiness and emotion cannot be given by any other occupation. We welcome talents who are interested in museum display and cultural communication. The company will provide each member with a platform for skills development, career development and personal growth, and at the same time give back considerable personal gains.
我们的工作并不简单轻松,它负有社会责任,工作的特性要求从业者投入相当程度的精力和时间,但项目从图纸变为现实,为观众所欣赏、喜爱的时候,那份快乐和感动是其他任何职业都无法给予的。我们欢迎对博物馆陈列、文化传播等方面有兴趣的人才加入,公司将为每一位成员提供技能发展、职业发展以及个人成长发展的平台,同时回馈以可观的个人收 获。
If you are such a person, welcome to join us.

    Main Case Designer|主案设计师


  • Be responsible for the overall creative design of the project plan;
  • Formulate the project work plan and maintain communication and cooperation with Party A, the construction party and other parties;
  • Be responsible for the management of design team and establish the division of responsibilities of team members;
  • Control the overall progress of the project and be responsible for guiding the design of the scheme.
  • 负责项目方案的整体创意设计工作;
  • 制订项目工作计划,保持与甲方、施工方等各方的沟通协作;
  • 负责设计团队管理,确立组员的分工职责;
  • 把控项目整体进度,负责方案的设计指导工作。
  • Requirements|岗位要求

  • Major in environmental art, art, architecture, exhibition design, bachelor degree or above;
  • At least 3 years of professional design experience, able to independently lead the team to complete the project design tasks;
  • Proficient in operating and using 3DMAX, CAD, CDR (or AI), PS, PPT and other software;
  • Good aesthetic quality, keen sense of touch, clear thinking, strong comprehension, need to have hand-painted ability, solid design skills;
  • Excellent language expression ability, able to effectively and vividly explain the project's creative design scheme to customers;
  • Have persistent passion for design and creativity, good team spirit and positive working attitude;
  • Experience in museum and exhibition hall projects or unique views on culture and art are preferred.
  • 环艺、艺术、建筑、展览展示设计等相关专业,本科及以上学历;
  • 3年以上专业设计工作经验,能够独立带领团队完成项目设计任务;
  • 熟练操作及运用3DMAX、CAD、CDR(或AI)、PS 、PPT等软件;
  • 良好的美学素养,触觉敏锐、思路清晰、领悟性强,需具备手绘能力,设计功底扎实;
  • 优秀的语言表达能力,能够有效和生动的向客户阐述项目的创意设计方案;
  • 对设计与创意有着持久不灭的热情,良好的团队精神及积极的工作态度;
  • 有博物馆、展览馆项目经验者或对文化艺术有独到见解者优先。
  • Benefits|福利待遇

  • Income composition: basic salary+project bonus+position allowance+seniority award+full attendance award+living allowance+Annual bonus;
  • Pay pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance and other five insurances;
  • All kinds of statutory holidays and corresponding benefits;
  • Employee birthday benefits.
  • 收入构成:基本工资+项目奖金+职位津贴+工龄奖+全勤奖+生活补助+年终奖;
  • 缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等五险;
  • 各类法定假期及相应福利;
  • 员工生日福利。

    Content Designer|内容设计师


  • Analyze the project background, interpret the project information, and dig deep into the project theme;
  • To draw up and write the project planning outline and planning scheme;
  • Writing the exhibition text of the museum;
  • Collect graphic data to assist colleagues in the design team to complete the design work;
  • Be responsible for supervising the arrangement and production of project report films and picture albums;
  • Report the project according to the arrangement.
  • Other copywriting related work of the company.
  • 分析项目背景,解读项目信息,深挖项目主题;;
  • 拟定与撰写项目策划大纲及策划方案;
  • 撰写博物馆展览陈列文本;
  • 收集图文资料,辅助设计组同事完成设计工作;
  • 负责项目汇报片、画册编排、制作监督;
  • 根据安排进行项目汇报;
  • 公司其他文案相关工作。;
  • Requirements|岗位要求

  • Major in history, art, culture and archaeology, bachelor degree or above;
  • Familiar with cultural and artistic research hotspots, strong ability to retrieve and organize information;
  • Work conscientiously, surefooted, with solid writing skills and strong language expression ability;
  • Love history, culture and art, and have unique opinions on museums are preferred.
  • 环艺、艺术、建筑、展览展示设计等相关专业,本科及以上学历;
  • 历史、艺术、文博、考古等相关专业,本科及以上学历;
  • 熟悉文化艺术研究热点,检索、组织资料能力强;
  • 做事认真、踏实,文字功底扎实,语言表达能力强;
  • 热爱历史、文博行业,对博物馆有独道见解者优先。
  • Benefits|福利待遇

  • Income composition: basic salary+project bonus+position allowance+seniority award+full attendance award+living allowance+Annual bonus;
  • Pay pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance and other five insurances;
  • All kinds of statutory holidays and corresponding benefits;
  • Employee birthday benefits.
  • 收入构成:基本工资+项目奖金+工龄奖+全勤奖+生活补助+年终奖;
  • 缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等五险;
  • 各类法定假期及相应福利;
  • 员工生日福利。

    3D Designer|3D设计师


  • Project basic space, scene model, exhibition item model, exhibition equipment cabinet and other preliminary modeling work;
  • Sticking materials, lighting, refining interior decoration techniques, making spatial effect maps, and cooperating with the chief designer to draw the maps;
  • Other rendering work or 3D work.
  • 项目基础空间、场景模型、展项模型、展具柜内等初模制作工作;
  • 贴材质、打灯光、细化室内装饰工艺,进行空间效果图制作,配合主案设计师出图;
  • 其他渲染出图工作或3D工作。
  • Requirements|岗位要求

  • Major in fine arts or environmental arts, bachelor degree or above;
  • Familiar with 3DMAX, SU, CAD, PS and other related software;
  • At least one year related working experience, solid foundation in fine arts, strong hand-drawing ability is preferred.
  • 美术、环艺相关专业,本科及以上学历;
  • 熟练使用3DMAX 、SU 、CAD、PS等相关软件;
  • 有一年以上相关工作经验,美术功底扎实,手绘能力强者优先。
  • Benefits|福利待遇

  • Income composition: basic salary+project bonus+position allowance+seniority award+full attendance award+living allowance+Annual bonus;
  • Pay pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance and other five insurances;
  • All kinds of statutory holidays and corresponding benefits;
  • Employee birthday benefits.
  • 收入构成:基本工资+项目奖金+工龄奖+全勤奖+生活补助+年终奖;
  • 缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等五险;
  • 各类法定假期及相应福利;
  • 员工生日福利。

    Graphic Designer|平面设计师


  • Be responsible for the design of plane communication (including plan, elevation, structure, etc.) in the plan;
  • Be responsible for the arrangement and production of picture album or PPT for plan report;
  • Be responsible for other graphic related design work of the company.
  • 负责方案中平面传达(包括平面图、立面图、结构图等)的设计工作;
  • 负责方案汇报画册或PPT编排、制作;
  • 负责公司其他平面相关的设计工作。
  • Requirements|岗位要求

  • Major in graphic design, artistic design, visual communication, bachelor degree or above;
  • Proficient in using PS, AI, CDR and other related software;
  • Good color and modeling feeling, experience in exhibition is preferred.
  • 平面设计、艺术设计、视觉传达等相关专业,本科及以上学历;
  • 熟练使用PS、AI、CDR等相关软件;
  • 具有较好的色彩、造型感觉,有展览展陈相关经验者优先。
  • Benefits|福利待遇

  • Income composition: basic salary+project bonus+position allowance+seniority award+full attendance award+living allowance+Annual bonus;
  • Pay pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance and other five insurances;
  • All kinds of statutory holidays and corresponding benefits;
  • Employee birthday benefits.
  • 收入构成:基本工资+项目奖金+工龄奖+全勤奖+生活补助+年终奖;
  • 缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等五险;
  • 各类法定假期及相应福利;
  • 员工生日福利。

    Work Place|工作地点

  • 1- Building N18Loft Yard, Nanping East Road, Nan 'an District, Chongqing
  • 重庆市南岸区南坪东路N18Loft小院5栋1-2

  • Application Method|应聘方式

  • Applicants who meet the above conditions please send the following materials to
  • Portfolio, PDF format
  • Resume, PDF format (including name, address, photo, work experience, educational background, educational background, career objectives and self-statement, please indicate the reason why you wish to enter a book of exhibition design work)
  • 满足以上条件内容的申请人请将以下材料发送至
  • ① 作品集,PDF格式
  • ② 简历,PDF格式(包括姓名、住址、照片、工作经历,教育背景,学历,职业目标和自我陈述,请注明你希望进入一册博展设计工作的理由)

  • For applicants who have passed the written examination, we will arrange the interview as soon as possible.
  • 书面材料审核通过的申请人,公司会尽快安排面试。